Blue Shell Strike Force Wiki

This is a markdown wiki for the Blue Shell Strike Force community, with a trans, queer, and neurospicy focus. You can find a rendered copy at

If you're not part of the BSSF community and still want to coordinate, please reach out to a maintainer!

Topic Index

For consistency, use lowercase file names with hyphens (-) to separate words. Everything in a file or directory name will show up in a URL. As an example, Skincare is at ./self-care/

When adding a new directory or significant file, add a link here, without any trailing slash or .md suffix. As an example, Skincare's link looks like this: [Skincare](./self-care/skincare)


This is a wiki. If you have edit access, you have edit access. Use it, but be nice!

  • Notify the thread before making any edits:
  • Discuss more-extensive changes with others, and write drafts in branches.
    • Merge requests are optional. Use your best judgement. You're allowed to commit to main, but be wise about it.
  • Avoid image uploads. The repository has limited storage space.
  • Strip URLs of tracking information, and do not use affiliate links.

What do I agree to when contributing?

We won't make you sign a CLA (example), but the following legalese's still necessary.

When contributing to this wiki, you agree to:

How do I get access?

[Maintainers] How do I grant access?

Unfortunately, you need to have the Owner role for the following. This is a GitLab limitation.

  • If responding to an access request (Preferred):
    • Open
    • Verify that:
      • The requested role is Developer
      • The user is on the Discord
  • If adding a user manually (Not Preferred):
    • Open
    • Add GitLab usernames in the text input field if necessary
    • Select the Developer role in the dropdown
    • Click the Invite button

How do I edit a page?

Before starting an edit, post in the thread. This ensures that there's no duplication of effort.

From the repository:

  • Go to the repository's home page:
  • Click on the file you wish to edit.
  • Click the blue Edit dropdown menu.
  • Click Edit single file.
    • Alternatively, if you like the Web IDE, use that instead.
    • Make sure that you have the "add end of file new line" setting active.

From the rendered wiki:

  • Click on the edit icon in the top right.
    • It should look like this:


  • @dr-syn (Secondary Group Owner)
  • @kouhaidev (Primary Group Owner) - (Mastodon)
  • @randomnetcat
  • @casuallyblue
  • @demize (Secondary Group Owner)